
VR Counseling

video game consulting vr counseling

VR Counseling

Virtual reality therapy (VRT) is a form of psychotherapy that uses computer-generated or 3-D environments to help people overcome various mental health challenges. VRT can be immersive, such as using a headset to expose someone to a realistic scenario that triggers their fear or trauma, or non-immersive, such as using an avatar to interact with a therapist or a support group in a virtual world. In this blog post, I will discuss the effectiveness of VRT for different conditions and populations, as well as some of the advantages and limitations of this innovative approach.


VRT has been shown to be effective for treating various anxiety disorders, such as phobias, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). VRT works by exposing the person to the source of their anxiety in a safe and controlled way, while providing them with coping skills and feedback. This helps them gradually reduce their fear and avoidance, and increase their confidence and self-efficacy. VRT can also be tailored to the individual’s needs and preferences, such as adjusting the intensity and duration of the exposure, or adding elements of relaxation or distraction. VRT has been found to be as effective or more effective than traditional exposure therapy or cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) for these conditions .


VRT can also be helpful for people who suffer from chronic pain, such as fibromyalgia, arthritis, or cancer. VRT can help them manage their pain by shifting their attention away from it, by providing them with positive and enjoyable experiences, or by teaching them how to cope with negative emotions and thoughts associated with pain. 


VRT can also benefit people who have difficulties accessing traditional therapy, such as those who live in remote areas, have physical disabilities, or face stigma or discrimination. VRT can offer them an alternative way of receiving mental health care that is convenient, accessible, and affordable. VRT can also allow them to choose their level of anonymity and disclosure, which can increase their comfort and trust. VRT can also create a sense of community and support among people who share similar challenges or interests .

Given the pros and cons of VRT, it is helpful to ask if this can be an approach you’d be willing to try.  It is a promising form of psychotherapy that can help people overcome various mental health challenges in a safe and effective way. VRT can also offer some advantages over traditional therapy, such as convenience, accessibility, and customization.